Fall in Michigan is such an exciting and beautiful time of year! It's also the best time to handle certain maintenance matters and prepare for the cold winter months ahead.
Below are a few of our favorite and most important fall maintenance items you should cross off your list before the last pumpkin spiced latte is served!
1. Test your furnace and replace the air filter. Don't wait until the temperature drops to freezing to find out your heat is not working. A dirty air filter can cause a furnace to stop working.
2. Turn off outside faucets from the main and winterize sprinklers. Also make sure to bring inside hoses so they do not freeze during the winter.
3. Fall landscaping. Rake leaves, deadhead plants, prune dead or damaged tree limbs that could fall from the weight of snow and ice.
4. Clean gutter and downspouts. Make sure water is able to move away from the house and not settling around the base.
5. Seal any exterior gaps for critters. Small rodents and animals are looking for new homes in the winter months. Keep your garage closed when not in use and seal around entry doors.
6. Get your equipment ready! Don’t wait until the last minute, prepare snow blowers, buy salt, and get your shovels ready because Winter is Coming!